
Money Luck Healing (1-Week Reiki + Feng Shui Activation)

Original price was: $111.00.Current price is: $55.00.

Heal Your Relationship with Money!


Do you know why your manifestation technique doesn’t give you consistent results?

Because if there are any debris in ANY of these layers, the lifeforce energy within us & between us and the Universe cannot flow and circulate freely:


That’s why regularly clearing the debris and decluttering is sooooo necessary, with the RIGHT TECHNIQUE at the right layer, to keep our vessels clean, and have the space to receive blessings and abundance!


Introducing –


Money Reiki Healing & Financial Blessing
(Done for you) + Feng Shui Activation Ritual (You’ll perform)


What you can expect from this service:

I’ll send Money Reiki Healing energy to heal you AND ONE WISH per person for a consecutive of 1 week (= One Cycle); Then I’ll design a Feng Shui activation ritual based on your birth data+ nature of your wish for you to perform on a specific date, time & direction/sector in your home and office to amplify the power.


  • I’ll email you a specific form to fill in for this particular service, so just fill in the required fields during checkout and leave the rest in blank.